Thursday, July 12, 2007

Before N After Expressions Weight Gaining Package?

Time sure flies, I was clearing a load of Shannon's new born clothes to pass down to the little pig (my brother's baby) who will be born soon, and I shake my head in amusement and amazement, can't believe that eighteen months ago, our little gal could fit into these teeny tweeny mouse size rompers, and now I'm having heated discussions with Mal as to which Primary School to send her to.... GOSH! What happened?

Before and After Expressions Weight Gaining Package!

Just to record for Posterity's sake, at eighteen months, our little monkey:

Can understand majority of what we are saying to her and can say
'No No No!' (her favourite word!)
'Bear Bear'
'Bye Bye'
'Po Po'
'Gong Gong'
'Babee' (Baby)
'Ball Ball'
'Dadi' (Daddy)
'MiMi' (Mommy)
'Woo Woo' (Dog)
'Flewur' (Flower)
'Fis' (Fish)
'Unca' (Uncle)
'Ko Ko'
'Inowan!' (I dun want!)
'Purpur' (Purple, thanks to JG class!)
'Meomeo' (Cat)
'Excu' (Excuse me)
'Gort' (Yougurt)
'Hi' (Hello, or Hi 5, depending on whether she is standing in front of the TV, or a person!)
'Go there'
'Tis' (this)
'Shhhh' (with a finger to her lips)

She is attempting to jump, but can't seem to get both feet off the floor at the same time, and is practising ballet by tip toeing around... she is also crawling around alot! Finally! Caught up with that long forgotten skill! And not to mention climbing alot! Up backs of chairs, window grilles (gulp!), people, (i'm the unlucky horse, it seems) and beds.... Oh, and she is eating fine with a fork and trying hard with a spoon! And lastly, she is learning to drink from a cup.....

Wow! I just can't believe that eighteen months ago, she was just a RED squirmy, whiney, teeny tweeny pooey mess of a baby!

Mind you, those were newborn sized diapers!

Our little Monkey now!

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