Sunday, October 07, 2007

Who Wants to Join Ex-H******* Alumni? Just Resign to Qualify!!!

By Shannon's Mommy

I realise that when you are in the same industry as me, the no. of Ex-staff you can encounter is really amazing... Back in the first company that I joined, we always joked that the number of ex staff and clients we have is probably at least half the Singapore's population.. well, that may be stretching the truth by just a little, but what do you expect when we get long service awards, mind you, awardS har, not award, EVERY two and a half years? And only about 10% make it even that far?

Anyway, those who know what I'm talking about will be sniggering away in agreement, and those who dun, just be glad you weren't in the same industry as I was!

Ok, but back to the subject matter at hand... I organised a pot luck dinner at our place last Saturday for all Ex-H******* close colleagues, just for us to reminisce the good Ole' times... though a number of people couldn't make it, but it was enough that a gand of us could!

What better way to spend a evening bashing the ridiculous and crazy clients we encountered before? Or to 'suan' each other about the mindlessly silly things we did?

Like the time Nicole supposedly put a irate client on the phone, on hold so that she could blow off some steam by lambasting him and calling him a idiot to the rest of her colleagues, only to realise he was NEVER on hold and heard every single word she said....!

Or the time my dearest staff did a major boo-boo, and me, being their last line of hope! Had to put my life in danger and face 20 over pissed off people and apologise for the error....

Or the mini pantry i stocked full of chocs and cookies, and yummy pineapple tarts galore? Till date I still remember Mel's fave Marks and Spencers Choc Marshmallow teacakes, and Frances obsession with the Piggy Wiggles, and the tons of wine gums we gobbled down... and Nic's ever messy table, so messy that a cup of soy milk left on her desk actually turned to 'Tua Huay'!

Oh gosh, those were the days, man!

Nowadays, when people ask me where I'm working, the standard answer is 'oh, Shannonho Pte Ltd, as her P.A.' How times change.....

Anyway, it was a night of fun, and we DID have lots of fun times together, didn't we, Marko, KG, Frances, Mel, Nic, Monyee, and the rest? So the rest of you, if you wanna join the Ex-H******* Alumni, just resign to qualify!

Shannon had lots of fun too. She warmed up quickly for the many uncles and aunties and enjoyed being the centre of attention, posing for the camera so many times, I swear that little girl is totally vain! And I have never captured such nice shots as the ones PC got that night!

Guys, we should really do this more often, and this time, make sure everyone turns up!

The first bunch, before Titus had to leave!

Second Set of Group Photos

Happy Family? Btw, Shannon can be loaned for photoshots at market rates, please apply via email...

Jie Jie PC with the little poser (In denial that she is in fact Auntie PC)

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