Thursday, February 04, 2010

I Pray for Bright Sunny Days Soon!

By the Mommy:

Life is full of Ups and Downs, and Downs and Downs! Today is the day we will get the test results back, today the knife could fall on our necks, if the report shows that Lauren's kidney has been damaged.

It's been a rough month! Her swollen eye, and fever that had us scrambling to the clinic. and yesterday another fever... yup, another one...

Because of Lauren's condition, we have to take each fever very seriously, cos it could mean she's having another UTI, and another UTI could do serious damage to her small kidneys. So we are in full 'combat mode' every time the thermometer registers a mild 37.5 degrees. As it means immediate rinse and urine collection for her, and a rush to the clinic to have it tested and cultured. It also means a possible change in antibotics and the gloomy prospect of admitting her to the hospital. So you can understand how my heart pounces when I feel her little body heat up.

I pray that her kidneys are fine, I pray that the doctor will give the go ahead for the operation ASAP so that we can get it done and she can get well soon. I pray that she will be able to go swimming as much as she wants and our family will have bright sunny days again soon. :)


Cephas Lim said...

Hi Lisa,

We wish you and the family bright sunny days too!

May Lauren get well soon. Take care!

Steph (Sysac)

ShannonE said...

Thanks Steph!

Sophia said...

Hey Lisa,

I was going,"OMG!" in my head as I was reading what was going on for a clearer update.

Will definitely keep Lauren and your family in my prayers! May she have a smooth op!

Take care!

Sophia (MamaChan)

ShannonE said...

Thanks Sophia, really appreciate it!