Tuesday, August 22, 2006

What's A Swan???

By Shannon:

Mummy bought me to Botanic Gardens today, yippee...! It was only my 3rd time there, but it was fun! Coz Auntie Rena with my dearest Elijah, Auntie Wendy and Ethan, Aunty Val and Kirsten went along too... and I met another new friend today, baby Ian with Auntie Alice!

Mummy drove over to Auntie Rena's house to pick Elijah and her up... and Elijah was good company throughout the drive to the Bontanic Gardens.... hmm, had a serious discussion with him over toys, see us having chatting with each other?

I had a good time playing with my kakis.... except I was a bully and pulled Elijah's hair hard! Got a scolding from mummy for being a mean bully... sorry Elijah!! Promise I'll be good the next time... dun be angry ok?

We piniced near the swam lake, and mummy bought me to see the swans... what's a swan har? First time I ever saw those white things...

I was super tired but am raring to go again! Please mummy??

Mommy and Me!

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