It seems that the funniest things always happen to our youngest one. Just when we thought nothing else could happen to her, something else did.
Don't be shocked, everyone. We did not punch her in the face, no abuse, no torture, no need to call Child Social Services. This is just the work of a tiny, teeny, winney mosquito. Yup, you read me right. A irritating, bloodsucking, mosquito did this to my daughter, it gave her a swollen eye which looks like someone socked her in the face, and turned her into Lauren the One Eyed Cyclops (No special effects/makeup needed!)
See how swollen her eye is, like a golf ball
It started out innocently last Tuesday. I put her down for her afternoon nap, and when she woke up, there was a tiny bump on the corner of her right eye. 'Oh, pesky mosquito! Hope it doesnt swell too much..' thought the Mom, aka me.
Lauren is not prone to mozzie bites, unlike her sister, who once had a record 22 bites in one night. But also unlike her sister, Lauren puffs up with every bite she gets. Her body reacts very severely to bites, and the bites swell up pretty big, sometimes with pus.
When we wet to pick Mal up, a corner of her right eye was a little droopy, and all of us had a good laugh looking at her.
Flash forward to Wednesday morning, when I was in the kitchen getting all the breakfast stuff ready, and disturbed by a stunned husband with Lauren perched on his arm. Ohmigod, her eye! It was swollen shut and looked the size of a golf ball. And she had another fever to boot!
A quick trip to the clinic and after all the exclaimations from the nurses and a gasp from Dr Tan, we were given a strong dose of antibotics and eye drops.
I had a tough time administering the eye drops into her eye the first day. Her eyeball was so swollen I couldn't even get to open her eye. It was folded and folded and folded! Even her long eyelashes were missing, that's how bad it was!
See, no eyelashes, all hidden under the swell
Luckily the meds helped, and her swelling went down pretty fast, she could finally open her eye after two days and her eyelashes finally reappeared.
Yippee, finally eyelashes are out!
By Saturday, she was looking close to normal again.
Whew, still pretty as ever.....