Thursday, January 07, 2010

What a Way to start 2010, with a Big Hill to Climb!

By the Mommy:

I'm blogging this down for the few of you who has been asking how Lauren is... and also to have this noted down as one of the memorable events.

What a way to start 2010, with a BIG HILL to climb! What started as a low grade fever in November for Lauren turned out to be something more sinister. After a bout of UTI which saw her being hospitalised for 5 days in November, our doctor, Dr, Terence Tan suggested we send her for some tests just to make sure she's ok.

Me, the unsuspecting mother, thought she would breeze through it since her first two tests came back negative. Well, the brick dropped and hit me smack in the face when her final test revealed that she has a congenital defect, called Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR) which was unknown to us when she was born. Her right ureter is classified as grade 4, and requires immediate surgery to correct the problem. Non surgery will result in further infections, which will eventually damage and destroy the kidney.

Imagine I had sent Mal off to Golf on the day of the test thinking everything was gonna be all the end I struggled not to cry and focused on asking all the important questions to Dr Tan. (I have to say, Dr. Tan is our angel!)

We scrambled to get a opinion from a specialist ulurogist who initally felt that we could wait two years while placing her on a nightly low dose antibotic. Who knew another ton of bricks fell on us on CHristmas Eve. She came down with another fever, and this time it was a super agressive bacteria which nearly invaded her blood stream. Her bacteria count was over 100,000 and she required over 48 doses of two different antibotics, inserted directly to her vein to kill the nasty bug and make sure it doesn't come back.

So, we spent Christmas in the hospital and after 5 days, she was finally discharged with a tube in her hand as we still had to come back to the hospital for morning and night antibotics. Thankfully, today morning was the last dose.

Today afternoon we are seeing another specialist who will most likely schedule surgery for her this month. While I worry and am scared thinking the surgery, I know non surgery will be disastrous for her small kidneys.

So a big hill to climb in 2010. But I know with our family and friend's support, we'll make it through :) Pray for us ya?


~ Kimberlee B ~ said...

I will keep her in my prayers. She is adorable!

Princess Celeste said...

Hi Lisa,

You are such a strong mother! Will keep Baby Lauren in my prayers too. you take good care of urself too :)

lisalam said...

Thanks both! Appreciate it, God bless you!