Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Big TEN-O, Can I Get My Driving License Now?

By Shannon

Hmmm, today Daddy and Mommy gave me a BIGGG hug and proudly announced that I'm 10 months old today... sooooo... can I get my driver's license now, Daddy? What? Wait another 17 years and 2 months? So what's the big deal?????

Ok ok, so this is just for the record.... At 10 months I:
1) Have two bottom teeth
2) Can get into Standing position from Sitting position and cruise around my cot
3) Can clap hands
4) Can wave Bye Bye to anyone and everyone (Mommy says it's imitation without knowing what I'm doing, but I call it extreme friendliness!)
5) Can point to where I want to go (My own set of transportation, Hah! And it's not only Merc, there's Porsche, BMW, Camry...)
5) Can transfer objects from one hand to another
6) Can walk with Aid

Mommy says we have to work on my fine motor skills as I still can't pick up the little Gerber puffs myself... wellll...I'm just plain lazy... why hurry when you have people feeding you right now right?

Finally! My hair is long enough to comb!

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